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    For those considering the m11x, some things to consider(put down your credit card for a second).

    Discussion in 'Alienware M11x' started by Lethal Lottery, May 5, 2010.

  1. Lethal Lottery

    Lethal Lottery Notebook Betrayer

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    I was really excited about this laptop. I placed my order a few days ago, and was eagerly awaiting it shipment, that is until I saw the unit at my local best buy. Its like I had a premonition that this could not be as perfect as it is praised to be. These are my honest and specific findings on the computer, not trolling, remember as of now I have almost $1000 outstanding on this purchase, and I wanted to love it. If these 3 reasons are not important to you by all mean's I think in terms of power and footprint, its a solid purchase. And this is not to bring down the people who own one, if you like it thats what matters.

    1- Weight

    The m11x is as heavy as unibody 13" macbook pro (although the alienware feels 25% heavier because of its compact size, its weight is less distributed). Kind of absurd considering it has an 11" screen, no optical drive, ULV CPU, and not made out of a better material. This weight actually makes the actual laptop feel durable, but only to some extent, see below.

    2- Exterior shell and Inside the laptop

    Many reviews and videos said it was "all metal" chassis on the outside. Regardless of what its made of, its feels basic and low end, perhaps I have been spoiled by using unibody macbook pro's here and there. But I must say there are much better feeling windows laptops out there, I was less than impressed. Again on the inside, felt very cheap, plasticy, and the shameless stubs on the wrist gaurd, are less than streamlined. The only thing I liked was the textured touchpad. All I could say about the keyboard was that it was cute mini version, yet drastically sub par one compared with its larger family.

    3- The screen

    I was going to accept the build quality faults, until I got to the screen. The screen at max brightness (appeared 25% of my macbook pro and sony vaio laptops). Awful by any measure, HD video, gaming, even notepad. There are only 5 levels of brightness. Personally in combination with the glossy screen, that is not something I want to deal with. The screen was bit grainy, washed out, and made me shudder thinking that I just ordered this computer. The final nail in the coffin, so to speak.


    From my 15 minutes with the machine, its clear to be the Alienware and Dell made some noticeable compromises in terms of materials, to allow such good performance and low price. I feel quite deceived by all the marketing, and urge potential buyers (especially those used to apple's hardware) to stay away, at least until an overhaul in Q4. Hell if anything go to best buy and take a look yourself.

    Needless to say I can't cancel my order (even though my card was not charged yet) because it "in the final stage of production" so naturally being the logical company that dell is, they want to ship me the laptop, and have me ship it back for a refund. I suppose they don't have any type of phone from customer service to the factory... But in the end my fault entirely, I should have tested it out in person first.
  2. Mandrake

    Mandrake Notebook Nobel Laureate NBR Reviewer

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    I agree on the screen. I thought it was one of the worst screen I've ever seen. Viewing angles were horrible also.
  3. ejohnson

    ejohnson Is that lemon zest?

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    Viewing angles seem fine to me.... its not very often that I am playing games from the side of the computer, I am usually parked right in front of the machine.

    Everything else you said is pretty good though, its a heavy machine with some QC problems. But I love it.
  4. hr9kraeuchi

    hr9kraeuchi Notebook Geek

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    Damnit, it suck I'm in Canada and can't FPT it, and these issues sound pretty big. What would you recommend to someone who wants an Alienware, but doesn't want to spend that much for one.
  5. IKAS V

    IKAS V Notebook Prophet

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    Look on Ebay or get a refurb unit.
  6. DR650SE

    DR650SE The Whiskey Barracuda

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    Yea, got a look today and the plastic glossy piece of my screen (overlay) in the top left corner is starting to peel out. I'll probably call them tommorrow and ask for a new one shipped out. Not really sure what I'll do at this point. Especially being in Iraq. To send it back and get a new one means 2 least...

    As far as viewing angles, when I'm using the computer I'm right in front of it so I could care less about that. Like stated earlier, I don't game from the side, and it only prevents others from staring at the screen.

    Other then the peeling, I'm happy with the system.
  7. bob2004

    bob2004 Notebook Geek

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    Well its a budget comp you can't expect it to have the same features as m17x like full metal body that feels great, as most ppl say its made of plastic. Can't say much about the screen though haven't actually played around with it.
  8. alucard77

    alucard77 Notebook Enthusiast

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    In my opinion, it is not fair to compare this to a Macbook. Apple is known for their styling. I never expect anything to compare to the styling of Apple. That is why you pay so much for Apples.

    Not to mention, I am not sure which macbook pro you have, but you are comparing something that is $899 vs. something up to $1,000 more. Sp that is not a fair comparison there.

    In general I am in the boat that the screen could be better as well. But this is due more to the glare then the viewing angle. Who actually plays from the side?

    I have seen this at best buy myself, and it is exactly what I thought it would be for the price.

    BTW, I never thought Alienware had a nice design. The M11X is annoying in its design as it has no latch to keep it closed. I see that getting a bit annoying as it does on any netbook.

    Also, from what I read, the rumored next revision of the M11x will only upgrade to the ULV. It will not do anything in terms of weight or the screen.
  9. Lethal Lottery

    Lethal Lottery Notebook Betrayer

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    Im not complaining about viewing angle its just that, I would want to use this laptop outside, and classrooms with varied lighting. The fact that screen is glossy is fine, but when I factored in the subpar brightness in combination with the glossy, I knew that using in these environments would be a pain. I agree for the price its what you should expect. However after all the epic reviews and such, I thought this was going to be on par with the m15/7x in terms of quality. Even the most popular user review on youtube the guy says that build quality is amazing and just as good as his m17x. These reasons would not have bothered me as much, but I really wanted it to be my main computer.
  10. aghost2u

    aghost2u Notebook Enthusiast

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    I think you suffer from the same disorder I do... There must be a name for it, lol. Every time I buy a notebook I have to research it for weeks, then when I finally hit the "order" button I always second guess my decision wondering if it was the right one. Of coarse when it's "in production" that's the time to decide what accessories I need and read reviews on other notebooks just in case I missed something that's better than the one I ordered. I have my M11x now and couldn't be more pleased, to me Apple is in a entirely different category. And as far as faults go, you can find them with anything.
  11. GiSS

    GiSS Notebook Geek

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    I'm still saving for an M11x (I have the funds, but don't plan to buy until June--bills and such come first) but I also went to Best Buy to try it out. While I didn't get a whole lot of time playing with the machine, I was impressed by the dumbed-down display unit (couldn't switch GPU/access color changing programs/etc).

    I thought the weight was good, and the outer shell felt solid--not unbreakable, but solid. The interior/palm rests are a bit flimsy feeling, but it wasn't anything that I would worry about. The weight felt good in the sense that there was no creaking of the shell and felt as if the entire body was full.

    The screen really is the lowest point to this laptop, and honestly for the price and portability as well as the overall power, I can overlook the negatives and really look forward to owning one.
  12. Eldia

    Eldia Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks for the report first of all. :) I, too, have ordered the system recently and am eagerly waiting for it to arrive.

    Keep in mind that while the build quality of the MBP 13" is exceptional, it is never intended for gaming. I've read reports that the MBP gets close to 100 degree C while gaming, whereas the M11x stays a lot cooler. And that is with the integrated GPU.

    So I think it comes down to the usage of the laptop. If the intention is to pick up a portable gaming laptop around the $1k price point, and the ULV CPU isn't a problem (as-in you won't be playing CPU intensive games, such as WoW in 25-man raid settings), then M11x is the way to go.

    If the intention is for no/light gaming, then forget about the M11x.

    If the intention is for a desktop replacement, then forget about the M11x as well.

    If the intention is to pick up an ultra portable gaming system like the M11x but with the quality of the MBP, then you'd have to wait. (And I have no idea how long the wait would be.)
  13. jsgiv

    jsgiv Notebook Evangelist

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    I'd agree with most of the points - with the thought in mind that this isn't a MacBook - nor was it intended to be.. :)

    MacBooks are great, wonderfully styled devices - and you pay a premium for that.. ;)

    With regards to the screen however - I'd have to disagree... as I'm sitting in a rather well lit public place right now typing on my M11x, enjoying gaming and browsing, etc. I have, however, disabled the Alien FX control of the screen brightness, etc. And I must say that it makes a significant difference in the overall usability of the screen with regards to adjusting the brightness, etc. To put it bluntly, when I put my screen on full brightness - in this well lit place, it actually hurts my eyes to look at (even more so in a dark room)..

    I'd also agree that the laptop screen is washed out from certain viewing angles - but when sitting directly in front of the unit - it looks absolutely fine to me..

    Heck - since you can't cancel the order - I'd suggest that you at least try it out for a few days before immediately sending it back.. you have 3 weeks to do so - and it'll give you more time to actually spend with the unit and optimize it to your liking instead of a rushed 15 minute quickie look at Best Buy (who's probably put a bunch of crapware on the thing as part of their typical geek squad install).
  14. simonmpoulton

    simonmpoulton Notebook Deity

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    Unless apple changed something weight wise when they went to unibody I dont see how the m11x doesnt weigh less. It certainly weighs less than my Black macbook!
  15. Ravenlocke

    Ravenlocke Notebook Consultant

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    Jeez, I am glad I didn't read this thread before I ordered! I have had my system for over a month now, and it exceeds all of my expectations. Just because this guy is having second thoughts, don't let him ruin for you! This system rocks! :rolleyes:
  16. steveninspokane

    steveninspokane John 14:6 - Only ONE Way!

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    I am one of the many happy owners, and other then having to get a replacement issued to me, I am 100% satisfied with this laptop.

    The weight is perfect, I like to know I am holding something, My daughter has a Mini 10 and I feel like the thing might float of my lap and fly away. Perhaps because I am coming from the m15x is what makes the M11x feel so light.

    No complaints about the build quality, it's a laptop not a space ship (maybe in appearance), not all computers can be aluminum macbooks. It feels solid in my hands and the hinge is very secure. So Far?

    As for the screen, When I am staring at a screen for countless hours, I prefer it not to be a blinding flashlight in my face, but for when I need it bright it is perfect, I guess it is something I never gave much thought to, the screen turns on that's good enough for me. :)
  17. unreal25

    unreal25 Capt. Obvious

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    Yeah the screen is pretty glossy outside, but it didn't bug me that much. The brightness levels are good for me - the lowest one is maybe even a little too bright (but OK) when I'm in the bed in dark, and the highest one I think I only used so far outside on a very sunny day.

    But it's not like MBP is perfect either - given the temps under load the discrete graphics is almost completely useless. I got the impression the MBP screen is pretty glossy too... and of course you'd have to use Mac OS X.
  18. Eldia

    Eldia Notebook Enthusiast

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    If the technical specs are accurate, the M11x weights 1.99 kg whereas the MBP 13" weights 2.04 kg, so technically the M11x does weight less, but basically very similar.

    The OP's point though was that since the M11x is smaller, and they weight similar, the M11x has less weight distribution and thus is conceivably heavier, especially since the build quality of the MBP is better.

    For the most part, in terms of weight, it's just OP's personal impression. You guys can spare him for that. ;)
  19. quazimodo

    quazimodo Newbie

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    I have been very pleased with the build quality of my M11x. Though, it is not built as well as my M17, it is certainly built better than the Asus eeePC it replaced. I am pretty anal-retentive about PC's and am pretty happy with it. In terms of the screen, I am very please. I must say that I have never owned a Macbook. However, I bought this as a portable gaming rig and my expectations have been exceeded.

    I am not sure on the price of a Macbook, but I am pretty sure they cost more than $899.

    That being said, I am sure the build quality is not comparable (nor should it be at this price).
  20. juanchi

    juanchi Notebook Enthusiast

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    "Because if I compare it with my Macbook Pro" , "My Macbook Pro is better" , "Hevyer than my Macbook Pro", please dude continue browsing on safari with your "Macbook Pro" without any chance of gaming, I am sure that it is the best laptop for you and it came with a Photo of Steve Jobs as the Wallpaper.

    This is one of those unnecesary threads that we do not need in this forum (there are A LOT of threads for those who whant info before buying a new M11x), a Mac Fanatic that whants to compare his overvaluated Macbook Pro should go to a Mac forum,you shouldnt make a thread regarding the looks of a laptop that you just saw once, a few seconds and in a Best Buy.
  21. dobbytheten

    dobbytheten Notebook Guru

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    now juanchi, that's an unfair assesment of lethal lottery, he did raise a few rather important flaws of m11x.

    Though I must point out, people like me bother more about the dimension rather than the weight of the notebook. a 11.6" M11x fits in my bag way better than a 13" mac or vaio.

    The screen on the other hand is a major pain in the rear for me. I have to either lean in closer, or struggle to find a perfect spot for me to be able to read it clearly due to the glare. Though this is fixed by my recent purchase of matte screen protector.

    I must raise the question though, is the physical aspect of the notebook so important to you that you sideline it's internal component? M11x stands out due to it's system rather than it's build, seems rather peculiar you decide not to buy it due to it's build rather than a flaw in it's system. If you want anything with a better build, there's plenty of notebook in the market that offer better than what m11x has, but it's questionable whether their as powerful as m11x(for it's size.)
  22. juanchi

    juanchi Notebook Enthusiast

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    My intention is to notice that EVERY MAC USER,(Ipod,Ipad,Macbok etc) user thinks his sistem is WAY BETTER than any other sistem out there, they are like fanatics, and this thread is the best way to for an Apple fan to try to make a confused buyer to change his opinion about the M11x,like I said before, this thigs that he wrote in in here we,are, and will be talked in minimun 10 other threads in this forum,again: There is no need to create another thread for complaining about the M11x, less if the creator is a Macfanatic.....
  23. Rhodan

    Rhodan NBR Expert of Nothing

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    Well I'm not a Mac fan and I must say so far the M11x and Dell have been disappointing for me.

    I just received my 3rd system today and still there are defects in the workmanship of the unit. Uneven/unaligned hinges causing right side of the LCD to bend and no close properly are affecting both the one I'm returning tomorrow and the one I received today.

    The first one died after a tech came over to install a BT adapter. The second tech who replaced the board left the unit with a gap on the top of the LCD and the base creaking like crazy.

    I'm so pissed with Dell I'm seriously considering the VAIO Z. Yes it's $2k but the build quality is top notch and it is a much better system overall. You get what you pay for and sadly with Dell the return on investment seems to be on a constant decline.

    The hinge issue could indicate a structural weakness in the frame of the M11x base and that not good. Since I've not seen this on 2 brand new systems I suspect others are also affected by this and may not have noticed.

    At this point I would not recommend Dell or the M11x to anyone personally. Their staff is horrendous to deal with and the quality isn't there
  24. SparhawkJC

    SparhawkJC Notebook Evangelist

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    How about if instead of comparing the m11x against the 13 inch MBP, wouldn't the new HP Envy 14 be a fair competitor. Core i3, 14.5 inch display, and all the rest of the goodies along with switchable graphics for $999. Not sure what ram or storage comes with the base model.

    However if you configure the m11x to lowest common denominator specs with the Envy 14 (Bluetooth, SU7300, 250gb HDD since lowest listed Envy 14 storage is 250gb.), it brings the price very close to around $950. This isn't including an external optical drive but that's only 30-50 bucks extra.

    The Envy is wider and deeper to accomodate for the larger screen but is marginally thinner than the m11x. Battery life is also comparable with 7 hours standard and 12 with the slice. You trade Alienware styling and lights for Apple clone styling and backlit keyboard so that is a wash depending on personal preference.

    How the Envy 14 actually performs in real life applications remains to be seen. But based on the available information it does seem like the Envy 14 compares well against the m11x on paper.

    Envy 14:

    Intel Core i7
    Intel Core i5
    Intel Core i3

    14.5” diagonal HP Radiance Display
    •350nit brightness, 82% Color Gamut, Wide Viewing Angle
    •HD+ (1600x900) ResolutionMemoryDDR3-1333 memory2xSODIMM slots, Up to 8GB max system memory

    2.5” Storage Devices
    •HDD: 250/320/500/640GB
    •SSD: 160/256GBOptical Drive9.5mm SATA slot load
    •DVD SuperMulti3OS/SW Windows 710Professional/Premium/Ultimate 64-bitHP QuickWeb

    Form Factor
    Two-spindle clamshell w/ Infinity Display

    •(inches) 14.01 x 9.33 x 1.09 (front) / 1.11 (back)

    Industrial Design
    ENVY “Muse” ID language
    •Magnesium/aluminum alloy material
    •Carbon Relic color with metal-etched pattern

    Dual Core7(Arrandale) Processors: Switchable Graphics Supporting both:
    1.(UMA) Intel Graphics Media Accelerator HD
    2.(DISC) ATI Mobility Radeon 5650 w/1GB DDR3Supports ATI PowerXpress

    Quad Core7(Clarksfield) Processors:ATI Mobility Radeon 5650 w/1GB DDR3

    Input Devices
    Island-style , Backlit UV Painted Keyboard HP Clickpad with multi touch gestures enabledAudioBEATS Branded Audio

    Wireless communications
    Wireless LAN (802.11a/b/g/n)
    WWAN w/GPS Option

    Integrated low light HP HD TrueVisionWebcam
    1280x720 resolution w/24 frames per second
    Dual Digital Integrated Microphones

    (3) USB 2.0
    eSATA (shared with 1 USB)
    HDMI v1.3c
    Mini-Display Port
    2-1 Digital Media Reader (SD, MMC)
    BEATS Headphone Jack
    Second Headphone + Microphone Combo Jack
    Ethernet (Gigabit)
    Kensington Lock
    AC Adapter (SmartPin)
    Secondary Extended battery connector

    Battery and Power
    Primary: 59Whr, 8 cell, Lithium-ion polymerSecondary: Optional, 62Whr 6-cell (Slice)AC Adapter: Standard 65W, Localized plug support
  25. unreal25

    unreal25 Capt. Obvious

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    Have fun frying eggs with your $2k laptop! :D I agree with their staff / customer service though - can often be a pain to deal with. But I've got no experience with Sony.

    There are slight hinge glitches with m11x (there are even special threads about it), but I can't say I noticed any "structural weaknesses".

    Envy 14 is more along the lines m15x tho, IMO.
  26. Fasailmac

    Fasailmac Notebook Enthusiast

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    i dont really get what the OP is complaining about. I have a 15 inch pro and the screen is much better but i wouldnt say the m11x screen is terrible. It displays all colors very well. I sit in a lot of light and have had no problem with adjusting the screen. The Build quality is superb and i actually prefer the design. On my pro i got tired of the alluminum digging through my wrists. the smooth wrist material is amazing and theres no creaking. I honestly think this is the best sub 13 inch laptop available for the price. It plays everything i throw at it and is fast enough to be my daily machine. Also OS X is so overrated. Expose is an absolute nightmare when trying to multitask with 5 spreadsheets, 4 pdfs, 7 documents and itunes running. I got tired of squinting and after using windows 7 it handles all of these windows wonderfully. Ill post up a few pics comparing my m11x to my pro which might get sold soon :)
  27. lie495fc

    lie495fc Notebook Consultant

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    hey Lethal Lottery calm down, your "15 minutes" would scare a lot of people away from m11x.

    1- weight

    i used to think m11x was heavy, then i played POWERBALL GYRO for 2 days streight. i now have to carefuly haddle my m11x not to crash it with my hand(no s).

    2- exterior shell and inside

    metal only top bottom and side. plastic palm rest, keyboard and back vents. not too good, not to bad, just like any typical american product.

    3- the screen

    not bad at all after apply recalibrated color profile.
    i dont like glossy screen either, will buy an anti-glare screen protector.

    m11x has a few inperfaction here and there. but for what it is, there wont be anything close to it before acer timelinex 3820t hit the market.

    in reality no laptop is perfact, that's why forum members here try very hard to improve what we have.
  28. vikingrinn

    vikingrinn Notebook Evangelist

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  29. armoured

    armoured Notebook Consultant

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    The m11x has got possibly the worst screen that I've ever used. No it's not because it's small, no it's not because it's's because of the viewing angle.

    Yes angle. Meaning 1 angle out of the entire spectrum is viewable. Using this thing for nearly 2 months now I can safely say it is utter crap. Colors are decent, blacks are decent, but what does that matter if you can only see it 1% of the time?

    If I had a chance to play around with this in BestBuy before taking delivery on March 3rd - there would be no way in hell that I'd pay for it.
  30. DR650SE

    DR650SE The Whiskey Barracuda

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    If you have only been able to see your screen 1% of the two months you've owned it...your doing it wrong. :p I'd like to know what kinda wierd angles people are sitting at using the M11x to complain that they can't see the screen.
  31. steveninspokane

    steveninspokane John 14:6 - Only ONE Way!

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    Seriously why the crying about viewing angles? I can turn my laptop to the side and still read the screen, I can pull the lid forward, or far backwards and still read the screen. Perhaps the problem isn't with the display, but with your eyes.
  32. Fuzzyhead

    Fuzzyhead Notebook Geek

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    Now, please cut him some slack.

    He has some valid points.

    The screen for example has a very low luminance and the contrast is not better.
    Working or gaming outside in the sun is impossible due to this facts and the glossy finish.

    You can say that Alienware never designed the M11x for outside use. But that would just be ridiculous.
    A 11.6"-laptop is if it comes to Alienware as mobile as it gets.
  33. IWantMyMTV

    IWantMyMTV Notebook Evangelist

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    I bought my m11x from BestBuy...

    Spent 15 minutes or so looking at the demo model running the Resident Evil 5 benchmark...under the bright lights of BestBuy, I, too, was disappointed in the screen image (lack of contrast for me...I don't know about viewing angles)...

    But...I was completely mesmerized by the FPS and graphic quality of the RE5 benchmark...I went back the next day, and bought mine...

    And I'm extremely, extremely happy with it...screen contrast still isn't the best for me and the keyboard is a bit cramped for larger hands (especially the arrow keys)...

    I guess I don't care about build quality other than hinges...the m11x could be made of papier-mache and it probably wouldn't bother me so obviously I'm not very finicky...I get distressed about hinges due to my Toshiba got to the point where the screen would flop over unless it was at 90 degrees...hinges are great (at least on my machine) on the problems...the lack of a latch put me off a bit...

    But the beauty of the machine was after getting it has chewed up every game that I've thrown at it so far (L4D2, Mass Effect 2, Force Unleashed (the first level of this one runs slow), Lost Planet, Street Fighter 4, Devil May Cry 4, Gears of War, Fuel, DiRT 2, R6: Vegas 2, Heroes of Might and Magic 5, mame) and it remains cool enough to run those games on my lap even after extended periods...

    Then stop the game, switch to integrated graphics, and I can surf the web and listen to my mp3 collection for 5-6 hours...

    It's amazing after the m1710 (which is a relatively 'small' 17" chassis)...

    Portable, viable gaming with extended battery life when needed...

    I'm probably just not a savvy enough consumer...but after my projector, I consider the m11x the next best bang-for-the-buck electronics purchase I've ever made...

    And you'll drive yourself crazy in the electronics world continually comparing stuff...I'm happy with my purchase and I know there will soon be (if not already) a better product on the market that costs less...but for me, the m11x was worth every penny...

    (Note: I still don't consider the m11x my primary's my toy...that's why I may be more forgiving of its flaws)
  34. Bendak

    Bendak Notebook Evangelist

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    No problems with the M11x. Like most sensible people i sit directly in front of the screen (as it was intended) so the viewing angle isn't a problem. I do agree with the screen being too glossy, i can sometimes see my full reflection indoors. Build quality is above your average Clevo/MSI/ASUS so nothing to complain about there. Yes, compare the M11x to the triumph of styling over substance that is the Macbook Pro because for almost twice the price you'll be embarrassed that you spent money on something that cannot perform toe-to-toe against the M11x much less an M15x within its price category.
  35. DrGoodvibes

    DrGoodvibes Notebook Deity

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    Purchased an M11x a few months ago. Still happy. :D

    Even the Dell sales dude asked if I knew what I was buying into and that the CPU wasn't the most powerful.
    All credit one Dell sales dude for being informative.

    This is my first Alienware notebook, so maybe I don't have the same high and informed expectations as others.

    I bought my M11x as a second mobile notebook and in that role it is ideal.
    I already have a 3.2Ghz hyper-threaded desktop.

    The M11x notebook looks OK (no problems with screen construction and I can live without the cold steel), it preforms well, the connectivity is awesome (DisplayPort, I have a Dell U2410 monitor) and it's better than buying a current netbook or most sub 15" notebooks.

    I'm looking at the M11x from the bottom up and not the top down.
    There is always going to be something better, if not today, then in a week or so or June/July. Moore's Law indicates this is inevitable.

    Been using a Tosh. Portege 3110CT WinXP with 333Mhz and 192RAM for the last 10 years, so I'm embarking on the great leap forward.
  36. wsaund

    wsaund Notebook Enthusiast

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    my .02

    You will need to compare the screen to a netbook not a laptop screen. I have had a few netbooks in the past and I think the M11x is far better. Everything seems much sharper and more vivid. As far as the glare goes, I can live with it. Plus if it really does bother you, you order the anit-glare screen protector from Dell.

    You can not expect the greatest chassis, best screen quality, super processor, etc etc etc for a starting price of $800. For the cost it is an exceptional gaming machine. As stated before, you can not compare every laptop in the work to each other. You will go insane.

    Now lets be honest. There will always be some fault in any electronic device you buy. Someone somewhere will always find something to gripe about. This is Dell/Alienwares first shot at a gaming netbook. I think they did an awesome job.

    Now if you want a low cost laptop for on the go that can handle it's own in almost any situation, then you can not go wrong. If you are looking for top of the line screen, chassis, etc. Then you need to look for another alternative and understand that you will be paying more.
  37. jsgiv

    jsgiv Notebook Evangelist

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    Comparing the M11x to either of these laptops is not a fair comparison. If you're comparing *any* notebook - there's a whole slew of cheaper, more powerful options.

    The key factor of the M11x is it's PRICE/PERFORMANCE/SIZE ratio. If you only look at 2 of the 3 listed above - look elsewhere - the M11x isn't for you.

    One of the reasons I purchased the M11x is because the other options are too wide/large - The MBP is close to 1.5 inches wider than the M11x - the HP Envy 14 is a whopping 15 inches wide (3+ inches wider)..
  38. Wiggy Fuzz

    Wiggy Fuzz Notebook Consultant

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    just a little hint i came up with - if you do receive your m11x, take a look at the rear fan vent, specifically the vent closest to the power socket. i'm going on a limb here, but if the vent fins look bent or crooked in the vent nearest the power supply hole, the system could be a refurb unit (with mine, and i'm sure i'm not the only one - i will try and plug the power plug in blind)

    just my theory, anyway. i'd check just in caseif you didn't get your system from dell themselves.
  39. dobbytheten

    dobbytheten Notebook Guru

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    I don't know what you expect of the customer support in your region. But where I stay at, Dell provide a pretty decent support. Sure, I was a tad bit annoyed when mine had a faulty 335m, but the fact that they had it replaced the next day pretty much made up for it. I din't have to go through a week of waiting just to get a diagnosis (Happened to the last vaio in my house).

    and I do believe it's been shown that the vaio Z is slightly weaker in a number of games along with a really whiny sounding fan. Though if gaming wasn't your priority, I do suppose the vaio would do a better job with it's processor.
  40. Docsteel

    Docsteel Vast Alien Conspiracy

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    You let a Dell tech open your machine :eek:

    I'd never let them touch my precioussss..

    Well quality-wise the M15x and M17x both do pretty well, definitely above average. Your point on the staff is right-on though ;)
  41. Rhodan

    Rhodan NBR Expert of Nothing

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    I'm sure the M15x/M17x are solid systems, my old Aurora was as solid as it gets. Then again that was before Dell bought Alienware...

    The problem is Dell ships new systems with defects and getting resolution is painful. I expect a new system to be flawless and while I can accept getting a lemon replaced once while I sure can't accept 3 in a row...

    My wife just got her Thinkpad X100e 2 days ago and it was flawless and works fine. At work we receive new Thinkpad every week and seldom do we receive faulty one.

    So the one I received last night has a faulty CTRL key on the keyboard, Left side LED on the from opening are dimmer and again crooked hinge on the right side causing the screen to not close properly. I'm so looking forward to calling Hell Canada again on this...
  42. Lethal Lottery

    Lethal Lottery Notebook Betrayer

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    Guys I am beginning to think the m11x I saw in the store was a bit deflowered. The store was very bright, and perhaps foolish I forgot to check if the screen was set to native res. As I look at the hundreds of pictures and videos online of the m11x it's chassis does not look as bad as it did in the store all greasy and mistreated. I really feel like opening the box when it comes to test out it personally, but I can't afford to throw away 15% restocking fee.
  43. brooksie

    brooksie Notebook Consultant

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    I've just received my M11X today and I am very impressed with it. The screen is fine as is the build quality.
    You won't find a better laptop under $1000 this size, just keep it.
  44. clockworkoranj

    clockworkoranj Newbie

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    I appreciate your candid thoughts on a system you were originally excited by, then disappointed with, when high expectation collided with harsh reality. I look forward to forming my own opinion about the M11 when it arrives later this month, but I always value honest feedback from someone who is brave enough to provoke calls of heresy on forums so often dedicated to reinforcing the ego of the owner of whatever good that forum is dedicated to reviewing. Posts like yours help keep this particular forum relevant and balanced. Good Job.
  45. LaptopFTW

    LaptopFTW Notebook Consultant

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    I'm happy with mine, my only gripes are the lack of a combo usb/eSATA port and a 10/100 LAN when it easily should have been 1-gig.