I went to the LoJack web site and it said that many PC manufacturers, including x, y, z, and Gateway embed LoJack into the BIOS to help survive disk reformats. However, when I looked at their list of individual models with the LoJack-equipped BIOS, there wasn't a single gateway product. So does anyone know whether or not there is indeed LoJack support in the BIOS on these computers?
I can confirm it is in my P-6831 FX BIOS.
there is only lojack if u installed it or asked for it to have L J when u ordered
yes, all the p series have it embedded in the bios 6831/6860/172's
Do gateways have LoJack in their BIOS?
Discussion in 'Gateway and eMachines' started by Danja, Jun 21, 2008.