899 is really fantastic price for a 7805...our notebook is devaluing so fast..
Kamin_Majere =][= Ordo Hereticus
But that is a really nice price. -
I would think they won't last long at that price. If they go much lower I will have to buy one (and I don't need one).
well i just got mine for $865 (ebay) so as long as they stay above that i wont be too upset
So whens the next model coming out?
I got mine a couple months ago for low $800s from Bestbuy. They were already losing about $200 on the sale then.
And I dont think they are gonna bring Gateway back. They have an Asus that replaced it from the looks of it (I work there) it packs a GTX260m, 6gigs of RAM and a intel P8700 for $1,299
I was actually thinking about selling my 7805 and picking this up! The machine is much more open to things like OC the CPU from what im hearing. -
Kamin_Majere =][= Ordo Hereticus
We're just kind of stuck waiting for them.
Also the Asus's 260 is downclocked so you actually start off with equal too or less than the 9800GTS in graphic performance.
Still a very good laptop, but i doubt it would be worth the upgrade to you (money or performance wise)
Gateway 7805 $899 at bestbuy???
Discussion in 'Gateway and eMachines' started by taylorlee, Sep 9, 2009.