the p-6831 is my first laptop, so i have a probably easy question to answer. when turned on, is the fan always supposed to be on? its not the loud fan but just a mild fan with a little hot air out the side. if i do a clean install will it take off the free norton, gateway games?
oh and how long did it take you all to download free 3dmark06. it looks like it is going to take me over 2 hrs.
I noticed GPU fan is always running as well. I'm guessing this is a Vista thing?
Yep clean install removes them all, but, if you make your driver DVD first which you should do, you can put free norton right back on
Check out Snowsurfers install post in first sticky. -
thanks man, its like you read my mind. i would like to keep free norton for the full two months.
fan question p-6831
Discussion in 'Gateway and eMachines' started by goldcalcutta, Feb 17, 2008.