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    8710w and FX3700, bios mod help needed

    Discussion in 'HP Business Class Notebooks' started by Bragor, Dec 27, 2011.

  1. Bragor

    Bragor Newbie

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    Hi there, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    As stated in the topic, my main problem is the installation of a HP FX3700M into my 8710w. Well, I got the card installed thus far, but it doesn't get recognized by the notebook and just runs as standard VGA adapter. So my plan ist to install a modified BIOS.

    In Zerg32's post about the modification of HP Bios' in generell ( found here), he takes the 8710w bios as example and it's visible, that there are only 3 cards programmed into the bios. That should be NVS 320M (gets installed into a 8710p, and both notebooks seem to share the same bios), FX1600M and FX3600M (I guess in that order as G84, G84N and G92_)

    By 2.0TM's post here, my plan is to follow his outlined procedure.

    As I want to take the overclocking path after successfully use the 3700, I take the already modified bios from here and want to change the vbios entries. I don't have one yet so if anyone could provide one, that'd be great.

    I took Zerg32's bios editor from here and think I'm ready to get started. But I never did anything like that before so if anyone could point out how to do it, I would be very thankfull (last time I did some programming was like 20 years ago .. and frankly not went deep into it).

    If I'm entirely wrong with that, a warning would be great too.

    In conclusion, what I need is:
    - an extraction of the vbios entries for an FX 3700m (probably from a 8730w ?) for the 8710w bios
    - a step by step instruction on how to do it properly


    someone providing me with an already modified bios.

    Thanks in advance