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    HP Sales in Australia is not interested in doing business

    Discussion in 'HP Business Class Notebooks' started by nathapushpa, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. nathapushpa

    nathapushpa Newbie

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    I am now interested in purchasing a Elite 8760W workstation laptop thru Hp Sales. When I called Hp from Australia, a sales guy answers from Hp Malaysia. When ever I called Hp Sales, same guy answers in workstation section of sales. I found he is not interested at all of selling stuff or discuss the matter further when I make enqueries. He answers and send replies very unprofessional manner which I hate to see that from a professional company like Hp. I do not know why Hp Malaysia did not like to do sales with Australians...very slack.very unprofessional....seems very bad customer experience !! I read all good things about this particular Elite model but because of this slackness of this hp sales guy..I may have to leave the idea of buy this laptop from Hp.

    I am a Dell user most of my life since 1995 and got a first class service from Dell-Australia. Australian part of Dell after sales service is excellent...because of this slackness of Hp I am now thinking of negotiating for a Dell M6600 workstation laptop. Presently I am using Dell Precision T7500 workstation desktop which gives me excellent output with 24" HD monitors.

    Has anyone of you experience any bad experience with Hp sales related to workstation laptops??

  2. User Retired 2

    User Retired 2 Notebook Nobel Laureate NBR Reviewer

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    I'd get the M6600. It has optimus graphics which is very handy because (1) you can get better battery life for when on the road and (2) the active iGPU means you can do a Optimus DIY eGPU implementation down the track via the expresscard slot if need more graphics performance. Their graphics system is rather advanced even including a mux so can run a dGPU-only setup if needed (eg: Linux).

    I'm not sure why HP has configured their dGPU-equipped Elitebook/Probooks to have no Optimus/switchable graphics. Lenovo and Dell do have Optimus so I consider their tech to be superior in this round. Though the eGPU idea means the iGPU only Elitebooks (8x60P) could have their graphics extended. They cost less but it sees Australia gets lower res versions of those.
  3. nathapushpa

    nathapushpa Newbie

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    Thx Nado4 4 ur I/Put. Much appreciated ur advice. I am going to use the express card slot for my Sony SXS memory cards(8GB to 32GBmemory cards)..