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    How do I reset HDD password on a 8740w?

    Discussion in 'HP Business Class Notebooks' started by landsome, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. landsome

    landsome Notebook Evangelist

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    Can anyone please tell me how I may reset the HDD password on a 8740w? It seems impossible to do it from bios (the Automatic Drivelock points me to the Drivelock Password option, but the latter merely allows me to enable / disable the booting prompt for a password).

    And - I have seen this with Dell notebooks too - the password I use on the 8740w (which I set on this machine) cannot be used on other non-HP machines... Go figure!

    EDIT: Nevermind, I solved it myself. I had first set the hdd password and then the bios admin pw. It seems that somehow when I logged in the bios as the admin the hdd password option was not available. I erased the admin account and then I gained access to the hdd pw change / reset option.