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    Trying to find a 14" laptop - 8460p?

    Discussion in 'HP Business Class Notebooks' started by Jeffsteez, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. Jeffsteez

    Jeffsteez Notebook Consultant

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    I was initially looking at the 8460w - but since decided that its a bit too big, heavy and in the UK expensive! So I'm now looking to get myself a powerful 14" laptop and wondered what you guys thoughts of the 8460p.

    A lot of threads I've read have suggested that it doesn't compare well with the W, but how do you feel about it as a 14" laptop - especially compared to these models? - Dell e6520, Lenovo T420, Toshiba R840, Samsung Series 7 14"

    Any faults or positives particularly in regard to the 8460w would be appreciated!
