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    np530u3c window 10 boot time and easy settings

    Discussion in 'Samsung' started by MeGuinness, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. MeGuinness

    MeGuinness Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi guys so simple question...
    Is there a way to install windows 10 on a np530u3c and solve the long boot up time and at same time having easy settings installed without creating havoc to the window system?
    If yes please share your knowledge or I guess have to roll back to window 7! Thanks
  2. Dannemand

    Dannemand Decidedly Moderate Super Moderator

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    The question may be simple, but unfortunately the answer isn't ;)

    I don't remember specific reports about Windows 10 on the NP530U3C, but most Samsung laptop models from that generation and forward have seen some discussion here about running Win10. Googling np530u3c Windows 10 revealed this thread (that was link). Beyond that, you want to study our general Win10 thread.

    I finally installed Win10 on my own NP700Z3A earlier this year (about same generation as yours, but regular voltage CPU and with AMD PowerXpress graphics). The AMD drivers forced on me by Win10 caused a very long black screen boot delay, which I solved by installing Leshcat drivers 14.4 (Google it) AND blocking Win10 from installing its own drivers using Microsoft's Show-Hide Updates (Google wushowhide.diagcab). But I believe the NP530U3C uses Intel Graphics, so you shouldn't have this problem.

    I had to install a newer version of ExpressCache than the one provided by Samsung, as described in this post.

    As for Easy Settings, you want to use Samsung Settings instead, which can be downloaded with Samsung Update by looking up other models. I personally prefer version, which is the latest version to still support ExpressCache and Battery Life Extender (although the newer version of ExpressCache mentioned above doesn't get a tab in Settings under Win10). See this post about how to find Settings

    My only struggle has been with my Touchpad, which worked fine until Microsoft's latest Fall Creators Update (1709), but since then has problems after waking up from sleep. I haven't had time to deal with it yet, but will probably just install an older driver and block Windows Update using Show-Hide Updates.

    By far my biggest gripe with Win10 is how much time it takes to keep it running smoothly, when it constantly forces new and untested drivers on me. I can solve it when it happens, the tools are there, it just takes too much time.
    ALLurGroceries and toughasnails like this.